Obesity and its causes

Obesity and its causes. Obesity is an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass. Overweight refers to increased body weight in relation to height, when compared to some standard of acceptable or desirable weight. BMI or Body Mass Index is one important way of deriving desirable weight standards. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BMI uses a mathematical formula, in which a person's weight in pounds is divided by the square of the person's height in inches and this result is then multiplied by 703.
For example, a 13 year old boy who weighs 190 lbs. and is 5'5'' tall would have a
BMI = [190/(65)(65)] x 703 = 31.6.
A BMI of 31.6 would then be plotted on a BMI-for-age and gender specific growth chart. BMI between 85th and 95th percentile for age and sex is considered at risk of overweight, and BMI at or above the 95th percentile is considered overweight or obese.
In the last forty years, the percentage of children who are defined as overweight has more than doubled. As a result, childhood obesity has become a national epidemic, with the CDC noting that about 15% of children and adolescents are now overweight.

Unfortunately, obesity, while being among the easiest medical conditions to recognize, is one of the most difficult to treat. Studies have found that 30% of adults who are categorized as obese first developed weight problems in childhood. Obesity also accounts for more than 300,000 deaths a year and the annual cost to society for obesity is estimated at nearly $100 billion.
causes of Obesity
Genetics, nutrition, physical activity and family factors all contribute to obesity in children and adolescents. If one parent is obese, there is a 50% chance that a child will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, a child has an 80% chance of being obese. Although the genetic influences are significant, it is important to recognize that poor eating habits and overeating, lack of exercise, and family eating patterns and pressures also contribute to the inability to maintain a healthy weight.
Health Effects of Obesity
Overweight children, as compared to children with a healthy weight, are more likely to develop many health problems such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which are associated with heart disease in adults. Type 2 diabetes, previously considered an adult disease, has increased dramatically in overweight children and adolescents. Children at a healthy weight are free of these weight-related diseases and less at risk of developing these diseases in adulthood.
Mental Health Effects of Obesity
The most immediate consequence of being overweight as perceived by children themselves is social discrimination and low-self-esteem. A 2003 study asked 106 children between ages 5 to 18 to rate their quality of life based on things like their their ability to walk more than one block, play sports, sleep well, get along with others and keep up in school. The study found that obese children often rated their quality of life with scores as low as those of young cancer patients on chemotherapy. The results indicated that that teasing at school, difficulties playing sports, fatigue, sleep apnea and other obesity-linked problems severely affected the children's well-being. Interestingly, parents answered the same questionnaires, and their ratings of their children's well-being were even lower than the children's self-ratings.
Girls vs. Boys
Society, culture, and the media send children powerful messages about body weight and shape ideals. For girls, these include the "thin ideal" and an urging to diet and exercise. Messages to boys emphasize a muscular, "buff" body and pressure to body build and perhaps make use of potentially harmful dietary supplements and steroids. While gender has not been identified as a specific risk factor for obesity in children, the pressure upon girls to be thin may put them at greater risk for developing eating disordered behaviors and or related mood symptoms. Although society presents boys with a wider-range of acceptable body images, they are still at risk for developing disordered eating and body image disturbances.
 Roles of parents in preventing obesity in their children
To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity, parents should
schedule a thorough medical evaluation of their child by a pediatrician to consider the possibility of a physical cause. If no physical disorder is found, parents should work with their childrento reduce the number of calories being eaten and to increase the child's or adolescent's level of physical activity.
emphasize healthy eating, keep fatty and sugary snacks to a minimum and keep fruits, vegetables and low-fat snacks available
increase their child's physical activity, perhaps by taking a few brisk walks with your child each week
let your child know he or she is loved and appreciated whatever his or her weight. An overweight child probably knows better than anyone else that he or she has a weight problem. Overweight children need support, acceptance, and encouragement from their parents.
be a good role model for your child. If your child sees you enjoying healthy foods and physical activity, he or she is more likely to do the same now and rest of his or her life.


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