Facebook Registration and sign up

Facebook Registration and sign up.Facebook  is a a fashionable social networking website that thrills the mind of everyone who is new to the ICT world … owning to the  fact that it’s a platform where you can get to meet your friends farway, around and even get publicized  additionally in terms of business and marketing..
on facebook  you will meet people that you know and people you don’t  know but  however have the interest to grasp.  But you can never get to facebook  platform with more than millions of user around the world without Facebook Registration to enable you have a facebook Account. by doing your  facebook registration ,your account will be created immediately.
facebook registration

If you already have an account and wish to login then Click Here
If you Don’t Have an email Account and wish to have one.. you can Click Here
Below are the steps for Facebook Registration;
first step of Facebook Registration
Facebook Registration
In the Facebook Registration Form you will provide the following information,In the space provided for you type in, Your First Name and Last Name as this would be What will appear in your facebook . Type in a valid email address as it would be used by facebook to verify you account and also to reset your password .incase you lose you password due to one story or the other…Retype the email address you typed above in the next box…
note  In this Step you need to pay proper attention as this will help determine how strong you account is from intelligent  third parties who would like to have access to your account… Here it’s where you password comes in …. To get a strong  password follow the steps below;
1.       Think of a Six letter alphabet … so I would take secret as mine…
2.       Then make the first letter of the alphabet capital that Secret … the rest lower case letters
3.       The add a two number combination to the password … that’s Secret59
4.       Now the last step add a special character to it example Secret59#
5.       With this you are good to go..
Select your gender and select you date of birth… vet through the filled information before you continue to the next  step
second step of Facebook Registration
If you want but I would get you through incase if you want to take it up latter;
Follow the steps below to setup your facebook profile;
After the above step that is facebook registration then this page will appear..You will asked to logon to the email you used for the facebook registration to help you find friends
Import Contact to facebook,In this step you would be asked to fill-in details of high school and college information… even column for work is
The next step you would be asked to like you favorite facebook page … it could be that of your liked celebrity… or a
company… Next step you would be required to upload you profile picture….
third step of Facebook Registration
This is the last stage as you would be required to go to you email address to verify your email address…
Facebook Email Verification
Facebook Email Verification Message will be sent to your email address .
Enjoyself on faceboook.
thanks for visiting newsworldng.com
Facebook Registration


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