How to get your Adsense Account application approved in 24 hours.

google adsense programme
google adsense programme
In order get your application for adsense Account approve,you must adhere to the following principles. It is shocking to hear how many people get declined from getting Google Adsense account.
I’ve received many emails from readers saying that their applications were declined.  I’ve read complaints on forums or comments about the difficulty of getting approved with Google.
I personally have never experienced this.  But I’ve also been very careful when I apply.  Below you will find the process I have used to apply and get approved to Google Adsense.


1. Create a Valuable and Good Looking Site

 in order to increase your chances of approval, you need to create original, articulate, and useful content!  This should go without saying for any website.
My advice is to have at least 10 well-written articles of 500 words or more each on your site before applying.  In addition, I would have a great “About Page”, “Contact” page, and a “Privacy Policy” page.  The privacy policy needs to include this information supplied by Google here.  You can find a free privacy policy generator that I have used right here.
In addition, you are more likely to get approved if you have a great looking theme or site.  I recommend using a premium theme (if using WordPress) if possible.  You can still use a free theme, but do your best to find one that looks high quality.
Overall, make sure that your site is fully developed with content, logo, layout changes BEFORE you submit the site to Google.

2. Get Temporarily Approved and Place Ads

Approval for adsense account usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours now.   If you follow my steps above for creating  a unique site that has never been involved with Google Adsense before, you should have no issues getting approved quickly.
you will receive an approval email from Google that explains the process.  Essentially you are “temporarily” approved until you meet other verification steps.
This means you can start placing ads on your site and you will see the clicks and revenue coming into your account.  Google is simply monitoring your activity to make sure you are not clicking your own ads or sending suspicious traffic. you must not click your ads on any account else your adsense account will be disabled.

3. Getting Verified: Pin Verification, Bank Account and Tax Information, Phone Number

However, before you get paid, you need to verify a few things.  First, Google will send you a PIN verification in the mail.  This will come after a week to 10 days usually.
There is no rush, but at some point you will need to verify your bank account and submit your tax information.  The bank account must be in the same name that you applied with.  (So, if you applied with your business entity, the bank account must be for the business entity).

4. dont click your ads

Finally, be smart about how you handle your Adsense code.  Only put it on sites that meet the Google Adsense guidelines here.  Don’t click your own ads and NEVER ask anyone else to ever click your own ads!  This will get your account shut down.


To create a Google AdSense account:
Go to the Google Affiliate Network application.
Click No, I don't have an AdSense account.

Step A: Applying for an AdSense Account
On the right, you'll see a blue box called "Getting Started".
Click the link, Sign up for a Google AdSense account.

Step B: Check your inbox for an email regarding AdSense approval status

Step C: Complete the Google Affiliate Network application process
Go back to the Google Affiliate Network application.

Click Yes, I have an AdSense account.
Enter your AdSense email and Publisher ID.
Click Submit & Continue.
Once you've completed the rest of the application, click, Submit.
After you've submitted your application
You'll receive an email confirmation.
Within 24 hours you will receive another email with the status of your application.
If your application is approved, you can apply to advertiser programs.
Advertisers may accept or decline partnerships at their discretion.

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